The Nunatsiavut Government expresses deep sadness at the passing earlier this week of Gus Semigak, a
beloved community member and tireless advocate for Inuttitut language and culture. Born in Hebron,
Mr. Semigak was three years old when he and his family was forced to move to Hopedale in 1959.

“Gus Semigak was a wealth of knowledge and a true champion for our language and heritage,” says
Nunatsiavut President Johannes Lampe. “His dedication to serving as an interpreter and translator for
the Nunatsiavut Government and the Nunatsiavut Assembly was invaluable. His contributions extended
beyond language. He was a great resource person for many programs, especially when it involved
Hebron and Hopedale.

“Gus Semigak’s impact will be felt for generations to come. On behalf of the Nunatsiavut Government, I
extend my deepest condolences to his family and friends.”

Media Contact:

Bert Pomeroy
Director of Communications
(709) 896-8582