Nunatsiavut President Johannes Lampe today extended his congratulations to the teams behind three outstanding projects that were awarded this year’s Arctic Inspiration Prize (AIP) during a ceremony held in Whitehorse, YT last evening.

Inotsiavik: Empowering Youth Through Education

    • Award: $1 million
    • Inotsiavik, meaning “a place to live well” in Inuttitut, is an Inuit youth-led initiative dedicated to language and culture revitalization. This program will increase proficiency in Inuit cultural skills and Inuttitut in a safe, welcoming environment. Inotsiavik’s goal is to establish a not-for-profit cultural centre in Hopedale to host a range of programming committed to strengthening skills, confidence, and pride in Inuit identity. Inotsiavik aims to nurture traditions, promote intergenerational healing, and enhance overall health and well-being within Nunatsiavut.

Hebron and Nutak Reunions Project

    • Award: $298,000
    • The Hebron and Nutak Reunions project has been recognized for its efforts in fostering connections and preserving cultural heritage. The project will provide an opportunity for the remaining able-bodied evictees to return to their homeland together at Hebron and Nutak/Okkak Bay this summer. Though the program is short in duration, the impacts will be far-reaching and long-lasting. These reunions will provide a healing opportunity for the evictees and those participants who may be impacted by forced relocation.

L.O.V.E. Inuktut: Language Revitalization and Healing

    • Award: $100,000
    • L.O.V.E. Inuktut is a ground-breaking initiative dedicated to revitalizing and safeguarding the 11 main dialects of Inuktut which was determined by the expertise of Inuktut Tusaalanga, across Canada’s Arctic through the creation of beginner-level immersion-style videos. This project will work on an innovative app that integrates these language-learning videos into daily life. The key differentiator of this project lies in its emphasis on youth-driven initiatives, fostering inter-generational knowledge exchange and preserving Inuit wisdom.

“It’s great to see innovative ideas from Nunatsiavut be recognized and rewarded. Through these initiatives we witness the resilience and strength of our people and our communities,” says President Lampe, who attended this year’s awards ceremony along with First Minister Melva Williams. “These projects empower our youth, help preserve our cultural heritage, and promote healing. Congratulations to the winning teams. Your dedication, vision, and commitment have not only earned recognition but also provides hope and positive change.”

About the Arctic Inspiration Prize

The AIP is the largest annual prize in Canada. By celebrating and providing seed-funding to Northern teams with innovative project ideas, the AIP supports Northerners in bringing initiatives to life that bring about the changes they want to see in their communities.

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