“Our Survey, Our Data, Our Way”
The Department of Health and Social Development is leading the Nunatsiavut component of the Qanuippitaa? National Inuit Health Survey (QNIHS). Qanuippitaa? is a permanent health research program that is national in scope and will include Inuit of all ages from every community in Inuit Nunangat. It is the only health survey determined and led by Inuit. The data collected by the QNIHS will be Inuit owned, and gathered through survey questions that reflect Inuit priorities and values.
The first Inuit Health Survey that took place in 2007 and 2008 was groundbreaking; it created Inuit-specific health data that had never before been gathered. Today however, much of the information on Inuit health is out-of-date and fails to reflect the current state of Inuit health and wellness.
This permanent, Inuit-determined health survey will allow the Nunatsiavut Government to monitor important health and wellness indicators for Inuit and Nunatsiavut communities. The information gathered every five years will be informed by Inuit knowledge, values, and worldview; creating an indispensable evidence base that will be used to inform policy and programming decisions at the national, regional and community levels. The permanency of this survey will foster meaningful and ongoing opportunities for the involvement of Inuit in health research initiatives, with the goal of enhancing Nunatsiavut’s regional research capacity.
Participation in the survey is voluntary. Participants are selected randomly based on the survey’s demographic requirements. Participation is an excellent opportunity for Inuit to have their voices heard on what matters to the in the areas of health, wellness and health services.
A Regional Steering Committee oversees the Nunatsiavut component of QNIHS’ development. This committee feeds into a QNIHS Working Group led by Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami (ITK). The Qanuippitaa? National Inuit Health Survey team is working towards a first round of data collection, with the Nunatsiavut region scheduled to roll out fall 2022.
Learn more at: Qanuippitaa? National Inuit Health Survey (QNIHS)
Poster Series
An overview of the basics of the QNIHS as they relate to various stages of the program.

QNIHS Influencers
A look inside the perspectives of people in Nunatsiavut on how the QNIHS will impact them and their communities.