Department Overview

Focused on the health of both our people and our heritage, numerous programs have been developed by this department’s divisions to promote and preserve that which makes us unique.

Culture / Language

Through a number of programs and initiatives, the centre is able to provide the resources necessary for our youth and adults to develop a pride and passion for who they are.

Archaeology and Heritage

As one of the original inhabitants of Canada, our people have a great history that we wish to both preserve and promote.


We are proud of the home of our people, and we aim to showcase its beauty to the world through a number of initiatives that develop both our economy and our culture.

The Nanilavut Initiative

Nanilavut means “Let’s find them,” in Inuktitut. This program helps Inuit families find information on loved ones sent away during the tuberculosis epidemic of the 1940s to the 1960s. Some of whom never returned. 

Indigenous Languages Component NG (ILCNG) Program

This program is available to registered Inuit Businesses and other organizations that provide Inuttitut Programming to support the reclamation, revitalization, and/or maintenance of Inuttitut for Nunatsiavut beneficiaries.

Forms and Documents

Nunatsiavut Language Strategy

type: pdf
section: Inuttitut Blitz
department: Language, Culture and Tourism

Tenders & RFPs

View and download current tenders below, as well as search current opportunities by keyword.


We will strive to keep you informed and up to date on Nunatsiavut Government programs, services, initiatives and events, etc.