The Nunatsiavut Government’s Department of Health and Social Development is responsible for the health and social development needs within NG.
It has seven program areas:
- Non-Insured Health Benefits (NIHB)
- Mental Wellness and Healing Services
- Communicable Disease Control
- Home and Community Care
- Healthy Lifestyles
- Healthy Children and Youth
- Social Development
The Department of Health and Social Development has a mandate for provision of a defined range of health services. The provincial Government of Newfoundland and Labrador, through Newfoundland and Labrador Health Services and other government departments, also have mandates to provide many health services including specialized medical services, hospital and community clinic services and other tertiary health services. Health Canada and other health partners provide funding to supplement the provision of programs. The Department of Health and Social Development has collaborative partnerships and working relationships with these organizations in order to better address the health needs of Labrador’s Inuit population. It is also well recognized that the majority of health determinants fall outside of health systems. As a result, partnerships with other organizations, government bodies and community agencies are also fostered.
The Department of Health and Social Development is comprised of a Regional Office located in Happy Valley-Goose Bay, as well as community offices in seven communities: North West River, Happy Valley-Goose Bay, Rigolet, Postville, Makkovik, Hopedale, and Nain. The regional and community teams work in cooperation to deliver the Department of Health and Social Development’s programs and services.
Mandate: To deliver community health programs and services as described in the tri-partner Fiscal Financing Agreement
Vision: Healthy individuals, families, and communities
Mission: Improve the health and social status of Labrador Inuit through community-based programs and services, advocacy, and collaboration
- Practicing and promoting Labrador Inuit culture and language
- Promoting the balance between rights and responsibilities
- Respecting yourself and others
- Client-centered approaches (where clients refer to the people we serve)
- Empowerment: Fostering independence, self-reliance, and self-worth
- Collaboration: Working together
- Accountability: Being answerable to clients and stakeholders in a clear manner
- Consultation: Sharing knowledge and exchanging information
- Leadership: Demonstrating and fostering positive role modeling
- Communication: Open sharing of information
AIM: The Department does not only help people who reach services, but reaches out to the whole population and all who need help.
The Regional Health Plan (2019-2024) guides the work of the department. The vision of DHSD forms the foundation for this plan. The key elements in the plan are organized around the following five priority areas: create health promotion messages to support priority areas, focus on problematic alcohol use, increase food security, address risk factors in childhood development and engage in active outreach to vulnerable populations.
Department Overview
Focused on the health of both our people and our heritage, numerous programs have been developed by this department’s divisions to promote and preserve that which makes us unique.
Family Services
Family Services The Family Services division of the Department of Health and Social Development aims to provide the necessary supports for creating strong family units.
Mental Wellness and Healing
We are only as strong as the people within our communities, and that is why the department of Health & Social Development has a number of public health programs across our region
Youth Programming
We understand that our youth are an important part of all of our communities, and that is why they plan an integral part in the programs and services provided by this department.
Social Development
The Social Development division within the Department of Health and Social Development oversees an array of services aims at supporting the unique needs of all Nunatsiavut Inuit.
Health Services
Nunatsiavut's Department of Health and Social Development offers a variety of programs and services, all managed under the Health Services Division.
Non-Insured Health Benefits (NIHB)
For Non-Insured Health Benefits (NIHB) Information, Questions and Concerns.
Community Programs
The Community Programs Division is responsible for a variety of programs and services aimed at increasing awareness and supporting healthy lifestyle choices.
DHSD - Regional Health Plan
The Department of Health & Social Development’s Regional Health Plan for 2019- 2024 is the culmination of: community consultations, environmental scans, input from all staff within the department and an examination of many relevant reports, both internal and external.