For Non-Insured Health Benefits (NIHB) Information, Questions and Concerns, please contact the following staff:

Pharmacy/Medical Supplies and Equipment (MSE) billing and claims issues:

Patty Oliver – Policy Analyst (Pharmacy/Medical Equipment & Supplies)
Phone: 709-896-9750 ext. 245 or Direct Line: (709) 896-3917 Fax: 709-896-9670
Email: [email protected]

Dental, billing and claims issues, dental codes billing and claims issues:

Jenny Gear – Dental Claims Processor
Phone: 709-896-9750 ext. 253 or Direct Line: (709) 896-3166 Fax: 709-896-9670
Email: [email protected]

Vision Analyst, Nunatsiavut Dental Clinics, schedules, supplies, logistics, back-fill Analyst:

Wanda Blake, Clerk – Casual Analyst (will also back-fill either Analyst in their absence)
Phone: 709-896-9750 ext. 239 or Direct Line: (709) 896-3918 Fax: 709-896-9670
Email: [email protected]

Mental Health Coverage (private counselling coverage, private mental health providers, and travel coverage related to treatment):

Email: [email protected]

Medical Transportation arrangements, billing and claims issues:

Muriel Edmunds – Medical Transportation Analyst
Phone: 709-896-9750 ext. 230 or Direct Line: (709) 896-5308 Fax: 709-896-9761
Email: [email protected]

Peggy Blake – Medical Transportation Analyst
Phone: 709-896-9750 ext. 226 or Direct Line : (709) 896-3557 Fax: 709-896-9761
Email: [email protected]

Anne Webb – Medical Transportation Analyst
Phone: (709) 896-9750 ext. 247 or Direct Line: (709) 896-8587 Fax: 709-896-9761
Email: [email protected]

Client Liaison (located at The Labrador Health Centre, NIHB/RT Office):

Caroline Semigak-Elson – Office Hours 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Monday-Friday
Phone: 709-896-8827 Fax: 709-896-2681 Email: [email protected]

NIHB Program:

Abby Webb – NIHB Manager
Phone: 709-896-9750 ext. 224 or Direct Line: (709) 896-3165
Fax: 709-896-9751
Email: [email protected]

Linda Sheppard – Policy Analyst
Phone: 709-896-9750 or Direct Line: (709) 899-2138
Fax: 709-896-9751
Email: [email protected]

Deputy Minister DHSD:

Michelle Kinney
Phone: 709-896-9750 ext. 232 or Direct Line: (709) 896-5306  Fax: 709-896-9751
Email: [email protected]

Director of Health Services:

Sylvia Doody
Phone: (709) 896-9750 ext. 229 or Direct Line: (709) 896-9757 Fax: 709-896-9750
Email: [email protected]


  • Department Overview

    Focused on the health of both our people and our heritage, numerous programs have been developed by this department’s divisions to promote and preserve that which makes us unique.

  • Family Services

    Family Services The Family Services division of the Department of Health and Social Development aims to provide the necessary supports for creating strong family units.

  • Mental Wellness and Healing

    We are only as strong as the people within our communities, and that is why the department of Health & Social Development has a number of public health programs across our region

  • Youth Programming

    We understand that our youth are an important part of all of our communities, and that is why they plan an integral part in the programs and services provided by this department.

  • Social Development

    The Social Development division within the Department of Health and Social Development oversees an array of services aims at supporting the unique needs of all Nunatsiavut Inuit.

  • Health Services

    Nunatsiavut's Department of Health and Social Development offers a variety of programs and services, all managed under the Health Services Division.

  • Non-Insured Health Benefits (NIHB)

    For Non-Insured Health Benefits (NIHB) Information, Questions and Concerns.

  • Community Programs

    The Community Programs Division is responsible for a variety of programs and services aimed at increasing awareness and supporting healthy lifestyle choices.

  • DHSD - Regional Health Plan

    The Department of Health & Social Development’s Regional Health Plan for 2019- 2024 is the culmination of: community consultations, environmental scans, input from all staff within the department and an examination of many relevant reports, both internal and external.